Throughout history, gemstones and crystals have been prized for their healing properties, beauty, and magic.
Since the Stone Age, people have worn crystal jewelry for protection and decoration. Ancient Egyptians used gemstones as amulets and charms, Greeks included them in mythology, and they were found in Chinese rulers' tombs. Native Americans, Mayans, and Aztecs used them in ceremonies, and the Jewish High Priest's breastplate featured powerful stones.
Today, gemstones and crystals are still cherished for their energy and healing power, making jewelry both beautiful and meaningful.
Learn more about some of our favorite gemstones and crystals here:
AMAZONITE: It's known as the "gambler's stone," encouraging good luck and fortune. Amazonite is said to have a soothing effect on the nervous system. Since the nervous system controls our emotions a great deal, this stone is said to soothe tense and aggravated situations and to enhance love.
AMETHYST: Leonardo Da Vinci once wrote that amethyst holds the power to dissipate evil thoughts and quicken one's intelligence. Healers have been using amethyst to increase their psychic abilities and intuition for centuries. Cross-culturally, this popular gemstone was used as a symbol of peace and unification. It is also thought to evoke feelings of serenity and calmness in those who wear it.
APATITE: Apatite is aligned with the zodiac sign of Gemini. The gemstone is believed to decrease appetite as well as enhance insight, creativity and learning. It is said that wearing apatite will enhance focus, clarity for concentration, intellect, acceptance and unconditional love. This acceptance and unconditional love relates to the self as well as from others.

AQUAMARINE: In the language of gemstones, aquamarine represents happiness, hope and everlasting youth. In ancient times, aquamarine was thought to protect those at sea. It was believed to make sailors fearless and safe from adversaries on the open waters. Aquamarine is often used as a "good luck" stone, thought to bring feelings of peace, love, joy and happiness to those who wear it. There is an energizing quality to aquamarine — which is March's birthstone — that provides harmony and balance. If you dream of aquamarine, it is said that you will make new friends, and wearing earrings of aquamarine are thought to bring love and affection into your life.

AVENTURINE: Though there isn't a "d" in the word, aventurine makes wearers think "adventure." Think optimism. Think bountiful. Think practical enthusiasm. This stone is believed to be a positive stone of prosperity, diffusing negative emotions, reinforcing leadership, promoting compassion and encouraging perseverance. It is a stone used to promote open-mindedness and the ability to see alternatives and possibilities.

BLUE TOPAZ: Topaz is considered a mellow, empathic stone that soothes, heals, recharges and re-centers its wearers. Associated with compassion and communication, it's a preferred stone to wear for "building bridges" between people. Blue topaz, in particular, is believed to promote truth and forgiveness, relaxing the spirit as well as the body. Those who use meditation advocate it as a splendid stone for attuning to their higher self.

CHALCEDONY: This gemstone is thought by many to be lucky for Cancer signs and a protective stone for Sagittarius. Many people believe in the healing and cleansing properties of the stone that include the absorption and dissipation of negative energy so that it does not transfer to other people. This is likely why chalcedony is also thought to align the body, mind and spirit.
CHRYSOCOLLA: Chrysocolla, with associations of tranquility, peace, intuition, patience and unconditional love, is known as a healing stone among Native American cultures where it has been used to strengthen the body's resistance to illness and emotional duress. It has also been used traditionally to bring about calm feelings where there is upset and can be used to purify a place or restore balance to a person.
CHRYSOPRASE: This gemstone is one of the birthstones for May and has traditionally symbolized happiness, enterprise and prudence. It is a powerful stone that brings good fortune and prosperity. It instills you with poise, grace and helps you to recognize the gentle beauty within yourself so you can enjoy self-expression and courage through fluent speech and mental dexterity.
EMERALD: This mesmerizing stone's velvety green color is unmistakable. As May's birthstone, the rich color is renowned as a color of spring and has long been a symbol of romance, hope and rebirth. As the precious gem associated with the goddess Venus, emerald is also commonly believed to aid in fertility. Emeralds are believed to be encouraging, calming and balancing because of their color. They are also thought to promote creativity and restore optimistic hope in dreams and visions.

FLUORITE: Fluorite is aligned with the astrological signs of Pisces and Capricorn. It is believed to cleanse and purify the body and stabilize energy, increasing the ability to concentrate and helping one to understand and maintain relationships. It is said to promote impartiality for unbiased reasoning. It is called a stone of discernment and aptitude, making it an excellent learning aid. Fluorite is thought to heal arthritis and headaches.
GREEN TOURMALINE: Tourmaline is renowned as the gem of sensitive poets and creative artists. Shakespeare even had a small collection of tourmaline jewelry to help him overcome writer's block. Tourmaline is believed to inspire creativity and was used extensively as a talisman by artists and writers from the Renaissance through the Victorian Age. It introduces the presence of compassion and wisdom when dealing with others because it is thought to promote flexibility of thought and open-mindedness.
KYANITE: Kyanite is strongly believed to facilitate meditation. This gemstone is thought to align with all chakras automatically, like wi-fi that's perpetually on. Its abilities are also believed to include stimulating communication, growing awareness of others, perseverance against challenges, promoting balance of female and male energies and much more.
LABRADORITE: Labradorite is considered a tremendously spiritual stone, especially helpful for people who tend to overwork. It helps an individual regain energy while aiding the body and spirit in healing itself. Labradorite is said to temper the negativity within ourselves as well. Labradorite is known for its changing colors, so it is no surprise this gemstone is known as a stone of transformation, enhancing strength of will and inner worth. Though not associated with any zodiac sign, the sign of Cancer is especially drawn to labradorite.
LARIMAR: Larimar is commonly believed to be a calming stone, offering many incredible healing powers. It is considered by some to aid in communication. Larimar promotes relaxation in the wearer and can be used as a worry stone. Worry stones are smooth, polished gemstones typically in the shape of an oval which, when gently rubbed between the thumb and pointer finger, are said to create a soothing phenomenon.
MALACHITE: Malachite is the essence of joy and is known as the "stone of transformation" because it helps reveal and heal emotional pain by absorbing the pain into itself. It is especially helpful in bringing ease during times of change and gives the insight needed for personal growth. Just looking at malachite's swirls, rings and intricate marbling is rejuvenating and uplifting. Wearing it can assist in the manifestation of the heart's desire and strengthen intuition.
MORGANITE: With its soft pinkish hue, morganite is often associated with innocence, sweetness, romance and love. Morganite is believed to bring healing, compassion and promise to those who wear it. Morganite opens wearers to unconditional love while dissolving ego. Though not an actual birthstone, morganite is said to be an excellent stone for the zodiac signs of Pisces, Taurus and Cancer.
OPAL: It is said that precious opal, with its display of fire, can spark creativity, and that the "dance" of its fire can help people enjoy their lives. The gemstone has been associated with the sacral chakra, imbalances of which can cause problems with addictions. Some people believe that opal can help moderate and harmonize sexual desires. European cultures have long believed opal is a symbol of hope, purity and truth.
PERUVIAN OPAL: It's no surprise the Peruvian opal (showcasing tropical blues of the sea) has a soft, relaxing energy about it. Peruvian opal has long been used to release tension and promote free-flowing ideas. According to metaphysical beliefs, Peruvian opal reduces stress and helps the wearer approach the future with a heightened sense of tranquility. Peruvian opal is also believed to help with issues sleeping.
PINK TOURMALINE: The pink tourmaline's status as the October birthstone is shared with the opal. Tourmaline encourages love, gently disperses emotional pain and dissolves disruptive feelings. It calms the negative emotions that upset relationships. It is also considered an aphrodisiac, helping people realize when it is safe to love and when it is time to overcome sorrow or traumatic memories.
RAINBOW MOONSTONE: Moonstone is often called the visionary's stone. It helps us see things more clearly. Rainbow moonstone is thought to bring balance, harmony and hope while enhancing creativity, compassion, endurance and inner confidence. Rainbow moonstone is believed to help strengthen intuition and psychic perception, especially offering us visions of things that aren't immediately obvious. It's like a flash of inspiration that comes when we are open and quiet. When we wear rainbow moonstone, life-changing inspirations can happen more and more often.

RHODOCHROSITE: Change comes. Sometimes we go out and find it. Sometimes, it finds us instead. Rhodochrosite welcomes all change. It urges us to pay attention to our hearts and those things we long for. It brings out the adventuresome qualities in us. It gives us new chances. When change calls to you or falls into your life, rhodochrosite can help you open your arms and embrace it. Rhodochrosite is also known as a stone of compassion, promoting selfless love.
RUBY: Ruby is believed to promote loving, nurturing, health, knowledge and wealth. July's birthstone has been associated with improved energy and concentration, creativity, loyalty, honor and compassion. Ruby is thought to be protective of home, possessions and family. Ruby is said to stimulate heart chakra and bring spiritual wisdom while shielding against psychic attacks.
SAPPHIRE: Sapphire is said to be the wisdom stone, stimulating concentration, enhancing creativity and promoting purity and depth of thought. It is believed to focus and calm the mind as well as remove unwanted thoughts, depression and mental tension. It is known as the stone of new love and commitment and is claimed to be useful in encouraging faithfulness and loyalty. Sapphire is thought to bring peace of mind, serenity and prosperity.
SUNSTONE: Since "sun" is in this gemstone's name, it's no surprise sunstone is associated with the radiance of the sun and the energy it produces to sustain life. Sunstone is said to be a stone of leadership, encouraging the wearer to be open, benevolent and willing to bestow blessings upon others. Also known as a stone of joy, sunstone is believed to inspire good nature and an enjoyment of life.
TIGEREYE: Tigereye promotes clear-eyed vision, helping us see ourselves and the world better. Like the great cat it's named for, this gemstone knows the importance of being attentive to the details. Tigereye is said to combine earth energy with light or sun energy, creating an intense stone that's also well-grounded. Tigereye is said to enhance psychic and empathic energies, while protecting its wearer with an unblinking eye.
TURQUOISE: Turquoise is one of the birthstones for the month of December, and is heralded as the stone of communication. It encourages enthusiasm, thus inspiring new projects and bringing to light undiscovered artistic abilities. Turquoise also provides understanding and encourages attention to detail while attracting prosperity and success. The sprawling lines of its coppery matrix provide a large amount of energy to its wearer. This may be one reason why the stone has long been prized as a powerful talisman with healing properties.
WATERMELON TOURMALINE: The watermelon variety of tourmaline — with its pink center and a green outer edge — has been said to be a stone of reconciliation, a stone that fosters compassion and cool headedness, radiates the energy that attracts money, healing and friendship while stabilizing, grounding and reaffirming our Earth roots.
Please note that all metaphysical or healing properties listed are collected from various sources. This information is offered as a service and not meant to treat medical conditions. Maker + Muse does not guarantee the validity of any of these statements.